A wee update on those character pieces I was working on was trying for a nautical themed cartoonish characters... I do like these but will need to go back to the sketchbook to really develop the idea more, think there's a rich vein to plunder for this one and i've jumped fairly quickly into rendered development so really needs re-concepting and scratch design I feel.
I was looking at stuff like Bastion which has a nice (as in really nice) painted style and wonderful colouring and lighting - but a great 'game feel' as each weapon and tool has a real strong sense of purpose and role in it's gameplay setting. It may be worth developing a mock game design document and use that to inform the development of these characters as i'm liking the game feel these have and it may be worth really pushing that approach as opposed to each image being a seperate independant illustration. Hopefully from there I can start to develop some environment stuff and further characters, devices and of course ships...
I'll try and amend this post with some of the sketches for the 'Anchor Man' image soon