Sunday, 30 November 2014

Tree House

This was worked up from a Sketch I did back in 2012, I seem to recall I was super into Scott C at the time (well I still am if I'm honest) and  was playing a lot of Bastion (lush art by Jen Zee), I think the amalgam of influences from both are apparent here.

Dug out the old sketch and wit fresh eyes thought it could be a fun series to do, and it's got me thinking of a few game ideas too potentially.

Sunday, 23 November 2014


These came about as an offshoot from a game jam project, and some much needed practice on trying to get the key shape into characters. 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Post Thought Bubble Post!

Man I almost forgot to say how awesome Thought Bubble actually was!

Had such a great time and although I was definitely a touch nervous at the start of day one (not really knowing quite what to expect) by the Sunday I was chatting on to everyone!

My view from 39b

Being my first time at a con and behind a table I was a little pre-occupied to catch everything and everyone on my list,  but it was still inspiring to see so much amazing work from passionate people. Definitely love to make this an annual event! (need to return to this post to add a photo of my swag)

a *slightly* jaded me on Sunday morning

Also I was super pleased to show my first comic 'Stamp' to people, got some really positive responses and as if that wasn't enough, I was delighted to get a mention on the Forbidden Planet blog which can be found here

Being primarily a game artist on other peoples products (which is still pretty cool) I can totally recommenced events like Thought Bubble to any artist who may want to do more personal work, the feeling you get from just doing something and taking it along is really encouraging!  

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

"Do you like Owls?"

Playing with some inker brushes, the result is a little different from usual really liking the rough texture brushes with the stronger inkish lines. I think it's a little inspired the amazing amounts of cool stuff I saw at Thought Bubble this year. (plus I've been playing plenty of World or Warriors recently)

Friday, 14 November 2014

Thought Bubble 2014, I present 'STAMP' !

I'm really excited to have my first comic printed, in time for Thought Bubble! It's been a goal of mine for sometime now, and I have a small run of 'Stamp' which I will be taking along on the 15th and 16th of November! 

I'll be on table 39b in the Ne Dock Hall (special thanks to Lucien Hoare who's table I'm occupying in his absence)  Please come and say hi!

First time I've had work printed as a book, and I must admit I've made a few schoolboy errors, but the overall feel and story is pretty rough anyway and my natural style isn't that tidy so it's not such a problem this time round. As ever there's plenty to learn through doing! (Next time's gonna be awesome.)

Really pleased I was able to convert some of stamp designs into stickers - really pleasing transferring digital art into the physical

 I'd wanted to create a book of my work for sometime but after some thought, I really didn't just want to have a portfolio style book, I wanted to bring a comic that was it's own thing and separate from my other professional work in video games. It's a small story about the Autumn, dissatisfaction, and surreal escapism. With stickers.

It's far from fully developed but I'm really glad I'm able to share with people!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Winner Takes It All!

Took a few days out to have some fun with some mock game concepts, it's pretty desperate! But I quite enjoyed how the quick sequential stuff ended up.